Flamborough Head Discography (Studio, live & compilations)
Please mail for info on availability, price and p.& p. Live pics: ©Arthur Haggenburg

Bridge To The Promised Land
1994 Casette demo (re-released Cylops 2002 & OSKAR 2016)

Unspoken Whisper
1998 Debut studio album

Defining The Legacy
2000 Studio album

One For The Crow
2002 Studio album

Tales Of Imperfection
2005 Studio album

Live in Budapest
2008 Live album (A38 Budapest)

Looking For John Maddock
2009 Studio album

Lost In Time
2013 Studio album

Shreds Of Evidence
2017 Obscure live tracks and other rarities

Live At ProgFarm 2006
2017 Live album (& bonus cd Live at NPF 2015)

Jumping The Milestone
2022 Studio album

1999 Sampler released by Progressive DisDURPance. Flamborough Head contributed Heroes from Unspoken Whisper.

Mellotron Sampler
2000 Argentina progmagazine Mellotron Sampler #21. Flamborough Head contributed Schoolyard Fantasy.

Cyclops Sampler 4
2000 Cyclops compilation double cd including Flamborough Head’s Schoolyard Fantasy (released on Unspoken Whisper)

Cyclops Sampler 5
2002 Cyclops compilation double cd including Flamborough Head’s Limestone Rock (alternate version, original track released on One For the Crow)

Cyclops Sampler 6
2006 Cyclops compilation double cd including Flamborough Head’s Mantova (live version, original track released on Tales Of Imperfection).

Higher And Higher
2006 Tribute to the Moody Blues. Flamborough Head re-arranged Bless The Wings (That Bring You Back).

ProgFarm Sampler
2006 Anniversay sampler live recording ProgFarm 1997-2006. Flamborough Head contributed Year after year.

2006 German progmagazine Empire # 77. Flamborough Head contributed Maureen.

2008 German progmagazine Empire # 84. Flamborough Head contributed Garden of Dreams.

Dante’s Inferno – The Divine Comedy Part I
2009 Colossus project based on Dante’s Inferno. Flamborough Head contributed: Daughters Of Night.

Dante’s Purgatorio – The Divine Comedy Part II
2009 Colossus project based on Dante’s Inferno. Flamborough Head contributed: Canto XXIX.

Dante’s Paradiso – The Divine Comedy Part III
2009 Colossus project based on Dante’s Inferno. Flamborough Head contributed: Labyrinth Of Light.

A Flower Full Of Stars
2011 Tribute to The Flower Kings. Flamborough Head re-arranged Blessing A Smile.

2013 PROG NL was a one-off campaign to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Progwereld. Flamborough Head contributed Rixt Fan’t Oerd (Frisian language).

Serious Music
2015 5 ‘Jaar Nederlandse Progrock’. Flamborough Head contributed Andrassy Road taken from Lost in Time.